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      01-28-2025, 11:09 PM   #1
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Okay yall I need some help my 2014 bmw 435i started dying randomly after I would park the car. Scanned codes and found out it my ibs sensor was broke, got a new one installed it cleared the codes and it seemed like it was holding a battery charge for once but then a couple days later it was dead again no power what so ever , Took the battery to autozone they said it was completely dead and had no capacity, Got a new battery installed it and i registered it on BimmerLink and made sure on bimmer code to select 90ah agm.
4 hours later I come home I unlock the car thinking I fixed the issue then I try to start the car it clicks and does nothing and then I realize there’s barely any charge then the lights shut off and it completely dies I scanned the codes witch i attached , not sure what to do from here PLEASE HELP!!! ALL HELP IS APPRECIATED!!!
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      01-30-2025, 09:34 AM   #2
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Guess a start would be to check the battery cables/ground straps of a 11 year old vehicle.

With a new fully charged battery the codes would be cleared and the reappearance of any subsequent codes looked for.

A new code could shed some light on the source of the problem.

Normally a check of the alternator output would be done at some point, but given the new battery was dead with the car just sitting for a few hours the alternator output is not yet called into question.

Then check for power drain with the engine off and after the car's electronics have had time to enter their low power mode.

A power drain on the order of (WAG) at/over 100mA is too high but of course the factory service/repair manual would provide a more precise number. It is probably less than 100mA but with the battery dead in just a few hours you aren't looking for a 110mA drain but one on the order of amps.

At any rate the cause of too high a power drain needs to be identified. This can be done by removing fuses and then installing the fuses one at a time until the power drain spikes.

Or by removing a fuse at a time -- starting with lights/accessories circuits -- then advancing on to the fuses in the more complex -- engine/drive train -- circuits.

Once you have identified the circuit responsible for the power drain then the excact cause/location for this power drain needs to be found.

The above is not a job for a DIYer although there have been cases when the DIYer was successful.

Now an experienced BMW tech might know of a shortcut to identify the bad circuit he might even know where to look as your car would not be the first one to manifest this behavior.
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      01-30-2025, 09:38 AM   #3
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Yeah seems like a drain. I'd start by checking how many milliamps/amps the drain is and go from there.
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      02-12-2025, 02:48 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by RockCrusher View Post
Guess a start would be to check the battery cables/ground straps of a 11 year old vehicle.

With a new fully charged battery the codes would be cleared and the reappearance of any subsequent codes looked for.

A new code could shed some light on the source of the problem.

Normally a check of the alternator output would be done at some point, but given the new battery was dead with the car just sitting for a few hours the alternator output is not yet called into question.

Then check for power drain with the engine off and after the car's electronics have had time to enter their low power mode.

A power drain on the order of (WAG) at/over 100mA is too high but of course the factory service/repair manual would provide a more precise number. It is probably less than 100mA but with the battery dead in just a few hours you aren't looking for a 110mA drain but one on the order of amps.

At any rate the cause of too high a power drain needs to be identified. This can be done by removing fuses and then installing the fuses one at a time until the power drain spikes.

Or by removing a fuse at a time — starting with lights/accessories circuits — then advancing on to the fuses in the more complex — engine/drive train — circuits.

Once you have identified the circuit responsible for the power drain then the excact cause/location for this power drain needs to be found.

The above is not a job for a DIYer although there have been cases when the DIYer was successful.

Now an experienced BMW tech might know of a shortcut to identify the bad circuit he might even know where to look [...]
Thanks for the advice I went to autozone couple weeks ago they said my alternator,starter and battery is good.
I checked the fuzes for fuel pump and a couple other ones that could be draining the battery but they where just fine I even cleaned the battery terminals and connectors but still nothing it just clicks whenever I try to start the car , but whenever I hook it up to a battery charger or try to jump start it it just cranks and does nothing I looked at the volts and it was around 13v but when I crank it it shoots down to 6v,v7 then goes back to 13v when it stops cranking ,plz help😤🙏🏾
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