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      03-13-2024, 11:41 AM   #30
Brigadier General

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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
I get this. Wifey has conference in Sandy Eggo this coming June. Pre-pandemic, I was all about traveling, especially someplace cool like SD. But now I'm dreading the trip. Not specifically because of Covid (we've been on flights to CT and that didn't bother me). But more an aversion to travel itself. I used to enjoy it. Now it's a zoo. Once I'm there, I'm fine. Just the travel part that gets me. That and being away from home. Maybe that's a symptom of retirement, where I spend most of every day at home. Now it feels weird to not be home.
I experience that too. I spent my working life traveling and taking vacations all over the globe and I love it. Now, my wife and I still love to travel but we don't like the getting to the destination part.

As we get older, not liking the same things as we did in our younger years is probably normal. I've done some age-related pivots in my life that have helped me a lot. Dropping the things you don't enjoy and focusing on things that make you happy is a good thing.
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