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      05-01-2019, 08:56 AM   #49
Major General

Drives: 2018 F80 M3 ED
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: MD/DC

iTrader: (12)

Originally Posted by seis-speed View Post
Funny, how the 1M usually ends up the winner in back to back comparisons, yet somehow Bimmerpost members who have probably never driven one declare it overrated, claiming the rarity as the only redeeming quality.
Everybody’s circumstances differ. Geographical area, state and type of roads, type of commute, family situation, disposable income all vary. For example at the moment, I need 4 doors on my daily driver, not just 4 seats. So an M3 it is, make the best of it (and don’t get me wrong, coded with all the CS settings I absolutely love it).

As soon as that requirement is removed in a year or so, Porsche here I come. Not a 1M that’s for sure. Out of all the M cars reviewed here, if I could have just one, it would be the CSL without a doubt.

I’ve driven the 1M, I get the idea behind it, but it’s not one that speaks to me for some reason. Not truly civilized enough for my commute, not hardcore enough for the track, it’s neither what I need nor what I desire.

Not everyone is an elitist moron. People genuinely like different things...

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